100+ Tea Packaging Design Trends 2023

By admin
July 25, 2023
100+ Tea Packaging Design Trends 2023

The love of Indians towards tea is always special! India has its own richness and traditional values as most of the top brands are derived from our country. From Assam to Kerala, every state has its own taste and culture in the production of tea. With so much innovation and derivatives in the industry, now the competition has increased dramatically. Thus, it is important to develop an attractive tea packaging design that makes your brand stand out in the market.

While coffee has a slightly greater conversation in European and American countries, globally, tea attains an equivalent of double the revenues. With coffee generating 102 billion compared to tea, which generates 207 billion, we can see the importance of tea in the CGP market. Therefore, packaging design is critically essential to a brand’s performance.

Importance of Modern Tea Packaging Design to Generate Sales in the Market

The foremost essential point is how a current tea lover in the current scenario has a further understanding of premium tea and why they should drink it. Now, customers care about a tea’s growing conditions, preparation methods, and flavors. Tea products serve multiple purposes by supporting a particular feeling and experience.

Therefore, tea packaging needs to match the product’s feelings and experience to prepare the consumer for what’s coming. With the help of appropriate tea packaging, the right colors, fonts, and imagery, we could attract the ideal customer within a short span of time.

While traditional tea enthusiasts may opt for a single-source tea, modern consumers may opt for a tea blend that seems both fun and innovative. This is another important consideration in tea packaging design.

Types of Tea Packaging

1. Standee Pouch:

One of the most popular methods of presenting tea products is the stand-up pouch packaging design. This type of packaging is common in tea shops but is finding its way onto shelves in larger grocery stores. If your branding strategy is to resemble tea crafted by an artisan, then this type of packaging can work for your brand.








Source: https://packagingoftheworld.com/2019/04/fermentaholics-4-elements-tea.html

Source: https://99designs.com/

Source: https://in.pinterest.com/pin/490118371961933272/


Source: https://packagingoftheworld.com/2020/03/chaimasala.html

2. Box:

The tea box design is the most common of all marketing types. Tea box packaging is a low-cost option providing ample room for branding and messaging. While most brands take advantage of the wide space for graphic illustration, standing out in this highly competitive landscape requires a different approach.









3. Can:

The system of Tea can packaging has been accepted by the mass market. The Western culture with its research and innovations has given life to this form of packaging. The branding and marketing strategies are simpler and customers get an attractive look in the tea can packaging design.






Source: https://packagingoftheworld.com/2021/03/nestea.html







If you are looking for a perfect packaging design agency that can elevate your brand to the next level, you are at the right hand. Our designers have an experience of more than 15 years in this industry and worked with topmost brands worldwide. Connect with our team and let’s discuss regarding your project in a detailed format.


The listed designs are owned globally by the corresponding corporations, who also hold the copyright. Our blog does not assert ownership or legal claims; it simply showcases various creative designs. We are only providing the information for innovative and inspirational design.